Working It Out provide free and confidential support to individuals negotiating their gender identity, sexuality and or intersex status, their parents, families and friends.
Keep calm and be who you are
Individual Support for Children and Young People

Working It Out (WIO) provides individual direct support to children, young people and adults who are negotiating their gender identity, sexuality or intersex status, and or relationships with families, friends and the community. Often people who access WIO have a range of questions such as “who am I?”, or “Is there something wrong with me?” Sometimes we have questions like “how do I tell my partner / parents / friends about my identity?”, or, “what can I do to change my body so that it better reflects my gender identity?” WIO supports people to build on their strengths, resources, experiences and capacities to explore and work through these questions and relationships in a way that is meaningful for them.


What individual support can WIO provide?

WIO can provide short-term face-to-face, phone or electronic information and support. Support is available to people of all ages who have questions or thoughts about their sexuality, gender identity or intersex status, and we also support family, friends or any other person who might be involved in a person’s life.

If you or someone you know would like more information on individual direct support, email us or phone (03) 6231 1200 to arrange an appointment with one of our direct support workers. Working It Out operates state wide.

Peer Support Groups for Young People

Working It Out facilitate peer support groups for young people are are negotiating their gender, sexuality or intersex status. Often the best support is from other people who are 'like me' or who are going through similar experiences or who are on similar journeys.

Working It Out currently facilitate peer support groups for young people in the South, North and North-West regions.

If you would like more information on peer support groups, email us or phone (03) 6231 1200.

If You or Someone You Know is At Risk or In Crisis

Help is available. You are not alone. Call Lifeline on 13 11 14 or call 000.

Just by reading this, a part of you is looking for ways to live and to get help for what you are experiencing in your life. It is not uncommon to feel this way and lots of people have suicidal thoughts and are able to work through them and stay safe.

Thoughts and feelings of ending your life can be overwhelming and very frightening.

It can be very difficult to know what to do and how to cope, but help is available.

  • Contact Lifeline on 13 11 14 (available 24/7

  • Contact Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636 (available 24/7) or visit the Beyond Blue website for online chat and information

  • Contact QLife on 1800 184 527 - Australia's national telephone and web counselling service for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex (LGBTI) people, their families and friends.
  • Talk to someone you trust – you don’t have to go through this alone. Tell them how you feel – and that you or are thinking of suicide. Ask them to help you keep safe.

  • Get help and support to stay alive – contact a helpline, your GP, a counsellor, psychologist or psychiatrist, a hospital emergency department, minister, teacher, social worker or anyone you trust to keep you safe.